Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Film review of Ran- a King Lear in a different culture with some Mori Motonari....NANI?!!!

The movie has a large deal of King Lear plot but it was also about the story of a feudal lord Mori Motonari. The story is about a feudal lord, Hidetora, and his chaotic end after he gives power to his three sons and the tale of betrayal, violence and melodrama as all hell breaks loose.

I sat through this movie which seemed to take forever, not because I was getting bored but because I had to do something right after the movie. The movie I felt was pretty good and of course you must be expecting my little spiel on culture so the movie did well on that too. I think it is the beauty of the movie that really got me. No wonder it was a 12 million dollar movie! It must have taken a lot of money for the stunning visual images that I saw.

I think the meaning of ran is Chaos and so that should ease the curiosity of people who were wondering why on earth the movie was named “Ran.” It had nothing to do with Hidetora running away all the time, or at least I don’t think it did. We can see how this chaos is shown with the peaceful existence at the beginning quickly turning into a stage of violence and turmoil. We can see this in the characters as well and the two examples I will give are through Hidetora and lady Kaede.

Hidetora is this complex character and we see chaos throughout his time in the movie. He slips into insanity and back out throughout most of the movie showing his chaotic mind due to his grief of losing his sons. Lady Kaede even when she look calmed on the outside, we can see this chaotic turmoil inside her due to the fact that she had her clan murdered and was forced to marry the son of the murderer and now we can see why her whole vision is to see the downfall of the Ichimonji clan. Her beheading was pretty awesome though

As I said in an paragraph, the use of color was pretty amazing. The visual artistry of the movie was like that of a painting. The use of color as representation was amazing as well. It was easier to tell who was on whose side because each army basically had its own color scheme. Jiro’s army had a red color which might have symbolized bloodshed or evil. The colored banners just made the battle scenes like a moving painting. The choreography was amazing especially in the battle scenes. The use of colors during the battles were just visual ecstasy the music and drums were good too. I think the cinematic beauty of this movie is what makes it one of the top film ever made

One thing I want to talk about that I think a lot of other people had a problem with was the amount of melodrama the movie contained. I am sure the movie was supposed to be a serious and tragic tale of this warlord but a lot of his actions were so melodramatic that it just negated this concept. Instead a lot of the time, his actions just brought up laughter to the audience rather than the other appropriate emotions such as sympathy and joy. The death of Hidetora was very sad but one cuodlnt help laughing at the melodrama of his death.

Well whatever it was a pretty good movie.

picture from

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