Tuesday, September 23, 2008

lets float away as we dive into the cinematographical point of view of the diving bell and the butterfly!!

First of all something I didn’t mention in my first blog is that this is a true story.

One thing I loved with the movie is the point of view used. The diving bell and the butterfly’s cinematography definitely separated it from the movies we usually watch, even the one where the actors point of view is portrayed. The point of view is completely subjective when it is used as we experience his emotions, we can hear and experience his beliefs, feelings and opinions on various topics. I admire how the movie starts with the opening of his eyes. I could tell it was through someone’s point of view but I was impressed at how real it seemed.

The movie was fuzzy at first when Jean-Do first wakes up. The fuzziness at first just like someone would experience when they first woke up. This is amazing depth-of-field work because there were even scenes when we could see a watery kind of field or lens signifying how we see the world through watery eyes. After a bit his eyes get used to the light but the background isn’t as focused on as the people who are closely observing him. I loved it! When his eyes were sewn shut, we could see the red coloring signifying the brightness of the outside light against his skin color.

The other characters are in close proximity because everyone is near him, staring at him. A point of cinematographical genius was when the medical doctor told him to follow the light. The background was dark except for the bright fluorescent like light and when the light moved so did mine! Our eyes are attracted to light and so it was only natural for us to follow it as well. Did anyone else notice that? Later on there are more pans and tilts as he get stronger and is able to look around his environment.

The proximity got further and further as the movie progressed finally moving to an outside point of view, when we first start observing him from the outside. The proximity of the character compared to the audience was random as at first we might see him from far off and then we might see him sitting right in front of the camera.

I will write more when I think of more things to write!

the picture was from http://wvs.topleftpixel.com/photos/2007/08/butterfly_yellow-flowers_detail_01.jpg

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